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Five Parks Vision and Eye Care


13767 W 85th Drive Suite 100

Which Type of Contacts Are Best for Dry Eyes? 

July 1, 2022

Did you know dry eyes are a common problem for contact lens wearers? Over 30 million Americans suffer from this common issue, which is associated with numerous symptoms, such as itchy and watery eyes. The good news is there are special types of contact lenses made to help these individuals cope with the discomfort.

Read on as an Arvada, CO optometrist discusses dry eyes syndrome and the types of contact lenses that can help dry eyes sufferers.

Choosing the Lens That’s Right for You

If you are suffering from dry eyes, wearing contacts may seem like a luxury. However, there are contact lenses specifically developed to minimize the discomfort associated with dry eyes and other common contact lens–related complaints. 

When you are well informed about the different types of contact lenses available, your optician can help you understand which contacts will give you the best chance of minimizing dry eye symptoms. These lenses can be tailored to meet your specific needs for comfort, vision correction, and appearance.

Dry Eyes Syndrome

Dry eyes syndrome can be a chronic problem, or it may come and go. It occurs when the natural tear film that coats the surface of your eyes is compromised. 

Tears are composed of three layers: oil, water, and mucus. Mucus provides moisture and lubrication for your eyes. The oil layer helps with hydration, while the water layer helps wash away irritants from your eyes. Dry eyes syndrome occurs when one or more of these layers fails to work properly. 

Symptoms include:

  • A gritty feeling in the eyes
  • Burning sensations
  • Excessive tearing and sensitivity to light 

These conditions can make it difficult to perform everyday activities such as reading or driving at night.

Contact Lenses for Dry Eyes

There are several different types of contact lenses that are designed for people with dry eyes, including:

  • Soft contact lenses – These are flexible discs that fit directly on the surface of your eye and act like a second set of eyelids. Soft contacts tend to be more comfortable and easier to wear than rigid gas permeable lenses (RGP), but they don’t offer as much vision correction.
  • Daily disposable contacts – These soft contacts are discarded after one day of use. Daily disposables come in varying degrees of moisture control, so it’s important to choose one that works best for you, especially if you have dry eyes.
  • Scleral lenses – Scleral lenses cover the entire outer surface of your eye. Their large diameter naturally creates a moisture reservoir, which helps keep your eyes from drying out.  

If you have more questions or wish to schedule a consultation, call our Arvada, CO optometry office today!

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